Exquisite Food,

artistic Presentation,

warm service

Nigel the Chef

Private Chef Service from a Ritz Carlton Chef

Private Dinners

Brunch Service

Cocktail Parties

Nigel has been an event chef for over twenty-five years. Nigel is currently the lead event chef at the Ritz Carlton Manhattan where he has prepared delicious meals for thousands of guests including world leaders and dignitaries.


Nigel was born in Barbados. After moving to Boston, Massachusetts as a teenager, Nigel began working for one of Boston's most preeminent catering companies. It was there where he honed his skills in French cooking techniques. Nigel would later work for hotels in Philadelphia, Wasington, DC, and New York. With a focus on fresh and seasonal cuisine, Nigel will design and prepare a menu to your taste and budget.


About Nigel
